character Conception

This page shows the characters i have created one low poly character at 300 tris and one high poly charcater at 3000 tris. there are some sketches of the charactes and two sheet that show 2d art work amd 3d art work of both characters. Both the characters are based around my theme which is the elements of periodic table.

sketch up work for my character designs I was aiming to make a character that has been injected  into her blood

the character can use the compound that was injected into her can change into different weapons

this image shows what each of the different weapons looks like 

theses to images are the veiw of my high poly character from the front and side. i used these images to as a guide to follow then I was building the character. i havent but clouths or hair on them as it would be more difficult however my model will has both hair and and clothes that are shown in the final concept design sheet.

this is the final design sheet for my low poly character she is a scientist assitent  that goes out looking for elements that the scientist that she works for asks her to collect. he askes her to do this to learn about how the world uses to be before  it ended. 

this is the final texture sheet for the low poly character i have stuck with me design and done some cell shading to show folds in the clothes and shade in some areas.

the image to the left is of the texture for the characters hair and the image to the right is the finished and textured model.

I have recently redone my texture from the low poly model which now looks a lot better. I have added more detail to the texture such as pockets with pens and a id card hanging around the characters neck I have also taken the shade out and added clothing creases instead. I have also added a more detailed belt around the jacket.

image of model with new texture showing front back  side and prospective view.
This is what the texture looks like on the model, from the frond, back side and prospective view. this texture looks a lot better on my model then the other one did however there is always room for improvement.

Final character model and concept art

Redo of Final character model and concept art 

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