6.Objects and Obstacles

The obstacles that to player will encounter in this level will be in the form of puzzles and riddles. the first obstacle the player will come across is a aeroplane wing that is on fire blocking the path that the player will need to take. to over come this obstacle the player must:

  • take the other path where they will come to a dyed up river 
  • The player will also see three stones and a stone plack
  • one of Sapphire 
  • one of gold
  • and one of ruby
  • the player must read the plack to figure out the puzzle.
  • once the player has figured out the puzzle they will know to put the gold onto the hand of he golum 
  • the golum will then open his mouth and water will pure out refilling the river and getting ridof the flame
the next obstacles will  require the player to create a bridge of a small caven:
  • The player will see a tree and will have to find a way to make the tree fall
  • if the player goes done a small path way to the left they will come to a small acid pool
  • if the player goes back on themselves they will come across a plastic bucket
  • the player must grab the bucket and take it to the pool and collect the acid in the bucket 
  • they pure it on the bottom of the tree.
  • this will make the tree fall and allow the player to cross 
The third obstacle will a simple open a door puzzle where the player must turn four statgues to face the right way. there fore stutgues will be placed in a row out side the door.

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